Christine Bongiovanni-Stiff Coaching

Welcome to my blog page! I am a life coach who has been transforming the lives of women for over 30 years by showing them how to develop self confidence. You can book your free consultation coaching session or go check out my website. I look forward to changing your life, forever!

Five Reasons Why Your Transformation Journey Isn't Working

I coach women who want to transform their lives, women who want to achieve what seems impossible, women who want to send their careers soaring while having fun doing it.

I coach women change their story line from being the victim to being the hero.

Watching this journey is incredibly beautiful, like watching tightly bound peony bud blossom into full bloom, magical.

Though the journey is magical to watch it isn't without it's struggles. The process of changing deeply engrained patterns of the mind isn't something you do with ease, it takes strength and persistence.

All of the years I worked with athletes I could tell the difference between those who would succeed in their goals and those who wouldn't. The beautiful thing about what I do now is that I actually coach people on why they aren't succeeding so even when they don't succeed their brain still changes, even if it's just a bit.

You have to be committed to doing the work to get the expected results. If you do some of the work you will see some results, they will come slower than when you take massive action and do all of the work. When you take massive action and do all of the work you will see massive results, guaranteed.

 Let's get into some of the reasons your journey to becoming your next best version of you may not be working so that you can do some honest evaluation and, if you're up for the work, start moving forward to your new amazing life.

You don't believe this will work.

This is typically the first problem. This work is different from anything else you've ever done, it seems counterintuitive and a bit of what I call "mind bendy".

This is because we have been thinking a certain way for most of our lives, changing those patterns takes work and repetition. Your brain is going to want to tell you that it's not working, that you should just do what you've always done, it doesn't like change. 

You can tell your brain to chill, that this is all going to be ok and that you are re-creating your beautiful you.

You're striving for perfection.

Perfection my friend will stop you from creating your dreams all day long. 

Perfectionists are liars, there is no such thing so stop it now and stop telling everyone you're a perfectionist. It's not something to be proud of.

Tell yourself that you will strive for 80% work, B+ work. This will get you moving forward and allow you to just do what it is you said you were going to do without the fear of it not being perfect. Just get it done and if you have time, go back and work on doing another 80% on your first 80%!

You're not fully applying the techniques.

This is like those clients I had that weren't fully successful in their health and wellness goals. They thought that taking the step of hiring a coach was going to create the results and then they would let themselves down by not applying the work. This doesn't work.

This was what I did in the beginning of hearing the techniques I used to create my own personal freedom. I consumed the information but didn't fully apply them. I kind of applied them but when I liked enough of what I had been hearing I hired a coach and applied everything she taught me.

Funny, I saw massive results.

You're not evaluating your progress.

This is one of the most important things I have learned how to do and have honored myself in doing. Sometimes I don't want to do this, I think it's going to take too much time, but seeing how far we've come is so important.

Our brain wants to continue to tell us that we still aren't good enough, that we still are not perfect, that we should just give up, go sit on the couch and eat chocolate.

Our brain is funny like that. It really wants to protect us but if we aren't fully aware of what it's doing it will keep us from moving forward.

You're making your fails mean that it's not working instead of using your fails as learning experiences that will move you forward.

You can make failing whatever you want it to mean and again, the brain really wants to just protect you from hurting yourself.

Failure is ok, it doesn't mean anything about you and your worth but I imagine that most of your life that is what you've made it mean.

Now you are doing the work to change that, you are doing the work of changing your brain and telling it that failure is just information. Let me say that again.

Failure is just information along the way to your success. It's data for you to analyze and to use to figure out what went wrong so you can work on what you will do next time.

I believe in you friend. I know you can do this.

You are one strong woman out there doing amazing things in the world.

I know you have the capability to do more but not just do more, but to do more and to have fun doing it!


My Awaken(TheTrue)You program is for strong, success driven women who want to discover their true self, discover the missing key, find their purpose and then start building a legacy from pure power. I have made it may mission to show you how.

I'd love to offer a free call for you to work out whether or not my program and life changing promise is a fit for you. Either book your call now or send me an email with your availability before your subconscious primitive mind tells you to run and hide.

Please share this message with anyone who you think might benefit from hearing this message and I highly encourage you to get on my mailing list where I send out weekly tips on how to start building love and confidence within yourself.

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