Christine Bongiovanni-Stiff Coaching

Welcome to my blog page! I am a life coach who has been transforming the lives of women for over 30 years by showing them how to develop self confidence. You can book your free consultation coaching session or go check out my website. I look forward to changing your life, forever!

Ending Your Time Management Battle FOREVER

Let me guess.

You are too busy to get all of the things done that you tell yourself you need to do.

You have a list of things you want to do, and while you do succeed with crossing some of the things off, it seems like the things you add are winning at the task management game.

No matter what shiny new system you implement it always seems to end the same way: too many things and too little time.

I was the queen of the lists, often starting a new list every day during my quiet time so that eventually I had a list pile. That was fun.

My guess is that if you're reading this post that you too struggle with getting all of the things done and this post could be just another one of those posts you read but don't fully implement.

If you are reading this post and choose not to just read it, but actually take the massive action of implementing these tips and dedicate yourself to the work it will take to make them succeed, it will do more in your life than get you doing all of the things.

If you choose to take the massive action of honoring your commitment to yourself it will literally change your life completely.

The tips I am going to share with you are just a few of the key things that I did to finally end my time management battle.

I finally have gotten myself through the most difficult steps of the system, managing my mind drama through the process, and am now fine tuning. This will be an ever evolving process where, as my mind becomes more clean, more powerful, I will start achieving more and more of what I want to accomplish while being able to take more and more time for myself.

I can't keep this to myself so let me show you my best tricks.

Once a week, I suggest Monday morning, take an hour and do a complete to do download.

I use the same notebook strictly dedicated to this task though you could do it in any journal/notebook, even your bullet journal, or scrape paper. I write down all of the things I want to get done, both personal and business.

Then ask yourself these questions:
  • What do you want to do?
  • What do you have to do?
  • What do you need to do?
  • What do I wish I would do?
  • What are the consequences of not doing each task?

Then say out loud "I don't have to do any of this.", because it's true. You do not have to do any of it.

Then cross off anything you choose not to do.

Decide what tasks you might be able to delegate.

Then prioritize the remaining list in terms of when it needs to get done.

Break each task down by the obstacles you will encounter in finishing this task and the strategies to completing the obstacles. These strategies are the steps to completing your task. Decide how long each will take and then schedule it on your calendar.

Always schedule your personal time first and then fill in the rest.

Once you do this then you throw your to do list away and start working on managing your mind around what you told yourself to do.

Let me just help you out a moment with my best piece of advice. This is NOT something you're going to do once and magically you're organized and getting everything done.

This is just the first step because then what will happen is mind drama will come up. Don't forget that your old self is still the one in control of you and your mind. Your old self tells you that you should go do something more appealing than what is up on your calendar. Your old brain neurological pathways are going to tell you that you can't do this, that it will never work.

This is where the coaching comes in. 

This is where learning how to use The Thought Model will start you on the road to success.

Trust me, if this can work for me, it will work for you, the first step is believing. Hard.

The next step is to start learning how to trust yourself.

If you struggle, like I did, with being down in the dumps about all of the things you're never able to get around to then I would love to share a free, no obligation, coaching call with you. In this session we will talk about what your biggest struggle in life is right now, what it is that keeps you from living a completely fulfilled day, every day. You don't have to do anything but set down your fear of judgement, I will walk you through and put you at ease. It's fun, just send me an email with some days and times that are convenient for you and I promise to make one of them work.

I can't wait.


My Awaken(TheTrue)You program is for strong, success driven women who want to discover their true self, discover the missing key, find their purpose and then start building a legacy from pure power. I have made it may mission to show you how.

I'd love to offer a free call for you to work out whether or not my program and life changing promise is a fit for you. Either book your call now or send me an email with your availability before your subconscious primitive mind tells you to run and hide.

Please share this message with anyone who you think might benefit from hearing this message and I highly encourage you to get on my mailing list where I send out weekly tips on how to start building love and confidence within yourself.

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